
i d e o l o g y

Embracing with the beauty.


Tokyo and Paris based brand architecture firm STLH is inspired by the Eastern philosophy "tea" [Sen no Rikyū, Zen] and the Western philosophy "architecture" [Mies van der Rohe, Bauhaus, Bjarke Ingels]. We believe the beauty lies in the harmony of differences, and that it is possible to access to society/culture. Embracing with the beauty is our ideology.

あらゆる存在は一,二元論では表しきれず、複雑性を持ち合わせています。分かりやすく寄せるのではなく、複雑系の持つあらゆる要素を高次的に調和させる___その様はきっと美しいであろうと考えています。ブランド戦略ファームSTLH [しつらゑ] は、複雑系の持つ美しさを愛し”世に美をしつらゑる”を私たちの存在意義に。経営とブランドを戦略によって調和させることで成し続けます。


f o u n d e r

Brand Architect


Takahiro Roy Shimaya is a Brand Architect. Born in 1993, raised up in Japan. with 8+ years of experience in brand marketing and biz dev background. Roy conduct a wide range from strategic design to art direction and the creative's evaluation is high especially. Strong Passionate about brand and fragrance [*started creating fragrances since he was 16] , then he co-founded D2C brand in US and developed a hotels & resorts brand.


brand architecture ブランド構築STLH defines a brand as "a fluctuating entity that is born and spreads among all entities, starting from the ideology and philosophy of the business owner". While standing on integrity, it wavers on intimacy. Brand Architecture [BAD] Dept. is in charge of architecturally and strategically embracing with this beauty.ブランドといっても解釈は様々であり、STLHでは”誰かの思想哲学を起点としつつもあらゆる存在の間に生まれ広がる、揺らいだ複雑系”と定義。integrityに立ちながらもintimacyに揺らいでいく。その様を美として、資本主義社会に立脚する形で建築的かつ戦略的に世にしつらへることを担うのが、ブランドアーキテクチャ [BA] 事業です。ブランド設計~ブランドの経営 [組織~事業] 実装支援までをワンストップで行なっております。

brand architecture ブランド構築

STLH defines a brand as "a fluctuating entity that is born and spreads among all entities, starting from the ideology and philosophy of the business owner". While standing on integrity, it wavers on intimacy. Brand Architecture Dept. [BAD] is in charge of architecturally and strategically embracing with this beauty.


business growth 事業開発Keep Be/Do/Say in line with each other is essential for a brand to remain it. Business Growth Dept. (BGD) is responsible for embracing with the beauty [marketing/finance/customer success] and for maintaining the business product itself, in order to ensure the sustainable growth of the brand.ブランドはBe/Do/Sayの一致が必要であり、プロダクトそのもので[Do]を体現し価値創出し続けるべきと考えております。その基礎を作るべく、ファイナンス/ストラテジー/マーケティング/カスタマーサクセス/オペレーションの5軸でしつらへることを担うのが、ビジネスグロース [BG] 事業です。事業開発ハンズオンや戦略コンサルティング、各種オペレーションの構築などを行なっております。

business growth 事業開発

Keep Be/Do/Say in line with each other is essential for a brand to remain it. Business Growth Dept. [BGD] is responsible for embracing with the beauty [marketing/finance/strategy] and for maintaining the business product itself, in order to ensure the sustainable growth of the brand.


creative studio クリエイティブ制作Brands are shaky entities, invisible and hard to realize. We perceive the ideological philosophy of a brand as beauty, and use every possible means to express it. Creative Studio Dept. [CSD] is in charge of embracing with the beauty as if they were the creation of a world.ブランドの持つ複雑性は捉えどころがありません。そこに内在する要素を美として捉えあらゆる手段を用いて表出させることで、自己確立としての表現を行う。一つの世界を創るかの様にそれを世にしつらへることを担うのが、クリエイティブスタジオ [CS] 事業です。VIデザイン/web制作/スチール素材などのブランドマテリアルの制作を行なっております。

creative studio クリエイティブ制作

Brands are shaky entities, invisible and hard to realize. We perceive the ideological philosophy of a brand as beauty, and use every possible means to express it. Creative Studio Dept. [CSD] is in charge of embracing with the beauty as if they were the creation of a world.


scent atelier 嗅覚体験設計Scent branding is the essential to provide customers a integrated experience. The integrated emotional branding can be successfully achieved by scent branding, which elevates UX and make a strong bonding with your customers.香りもまた、複雑性を持ち不確かではあるものの、確かに暮らしを豊かにする存在です。それを美として捉えしつらへることを担うのが、セントアトリエ [SA] 事業です。香り事業開発コンサルティング、香りのDX支援、共創事業として感性教育WSなどを行なっております。

scent atelier 嗅覚体験設計

Scent branding is the essential to provide customers a integrated experience. The integrated emotional branding can be successfully achieved by scent branding, which elevates UX and make a strong bonding with your customers.
